• To promote awareness and understanding of other cultures
• To develop the children’s motivation, discovering their special interests and talents
• To introduce the children to a wide range of new experiences, ideas and activities
• To encourage the children to ask questions about the world, talk about their ideas and express their opinions
Excited about their future
• To make children excited about learning and eager to move on to the next stage of their education
• To help children to look beyond their immediate surroundings and their own personal experiences
• To shape a curriculum which will develop the knowledge and skills which the children will need to meet the challenges of their future lives
• To involve children in problem solving and develop their capacity to be active citizens
Positive about their ability
• To help children to reach the highest levels of achievement in all they do
• To demonstrate to all the children that they are able to learn
• To provide the highest quality of teaching for all children
• To develop the children’s awareness of their own learning and the value of perseverance and dedication in their learning
• To identify and strive to meet the children’s Special Educational Needs
Caring towards other people
• To develop sensitivity to the feelings and concerns of other people
• To demonstrate compassion and respect for other people
• To develop the children’s moral understanding
• To learn how to co-operate and work with other people