Welcome To St Ives Infant School website. If you are not able to find the information that you need, please use our contact page to get in touch.

School Admissions

Admission to Reception
Admission to Reception (the first year of school) is independent of our nursery and is in accordance with the policies of Cornwall Council.  Attendance at the nursery will not influence whether your child is allocated a Reception place.

When can my child start school?

Children may start Reception in the September after they are four. 


How do I apply?

Each Autumn forms are issued by Cornwall Council for parents applying for a Reception place for their child in the following September.  The school will supply these forms to parents of children in our nursery and ensure that they are made available to any parent enquiring at the school office.

Reception places are allocated by Cornwall Council according to criteria set out on the form, which include whether you live in the school’s designated area and whether there are siblings at the school.

Please get in touch if you would like to clarify what will happen for your child.



If your child does not get allocated a place at St Ives Infant School you may appeal the decision.  Parents have a right to an independent appeals panel in the event that their child is declined admission to the school. Parents should write to the clerk to governors at the school within ten working school days of notification that the child has not been given a place.

Admission to Nursery
When can my child start at nursery?

Children may start nursery when they are three years old. 


How do I apply?

Applications are made through the school office. Please contact school for an admissions form.  This is separate to the admission form required by Cornwall Council for admission to Reception.