Welcome To St Ives Infant School website. If you are not able to find the information that you need, please use our contact page to get in touch.


Mrs Cat Lamb

Nursery Lead

Miss Rachael Williams

Nursery Assistant



We are able to accept admissions after your child's third birthday and early application for a place is both welcomed and advised! 


We currently have places in our nursery in the mornings and afternoons. Please contact the school office for further information.


From September 2017 St Ives Nursery School has been offering the 15 hours free entitlement as well as the 30 hours extended entitlement for those families who qualify for this provision. This entitlement can be used flexibly making use of the provision of morning sessions, lunch club and afternoon sessions.

We are providing these extra clubs to cater for the needs of parents however you are not obliged to take up any of the extra sessions. This funding entitlement is from the term following your child's 3rd birthday. 


Morning Sessions

The morning sessions start at 8.45am and finish at 11.45am. We have noticed from experience that children settle better and get into a routine more quickly if they attend nursery on the same days each week.

One session will count as 3 hours out of your provision. You can also pay for an extra session as part of our extended provision at £13 for a three hour session.


Lunch Club

The lunch club runs from 11.45am-12.15pm and the children really enjoy staying for lunch. Children who attend afternoon sessions can also stay for the lunch club arriving at nursery at 11.45am.

Parents can choose whether to provide a packed lunch and a drink or to have a delicious hot lunch, made by our school cook who makes everything from scratch. The lunch club will count as one hour per day out of your entitlement, or alternatively, costs £2 per day.

If you wish your child to have a hot lunch, it will be an additional £2 per day. You can change between a packed or hot lunch depending on what is on the menu for that day, just let us know in the morning.


Afternoon Sessions

These start at 12.15pm and finish at 3.15pm. We have noticed from experience that children settle better and get into a routine more quickly if they attend nursery on the same days each week.

One session will count as 3 hours out of your provision. You can also pay for an extra session as part of our extended provision at £13 for a three hour session.



  • Please let a member of staff know if someone different will be picking up your child. It is part of the whole school policy that we must know who is collecting if it is going to be a different adult.

  • Please arrive at the gates for 8:45am, where you can walk your child up to the nursery.

  • At 11:45am and 12:15pm for our children arriving and going home, please wait by the library external door which is located just opposite the office where your child will be brought to you or you can drop them off.
  • For easy reference, session times are as follows:

Morning 8.45am- 11.45am
Lunch 11.45am-12.15pm
Afternoon 12.15pm-3.15pm

More information about 30 hour funding can be found using the links below...